Nasi Kebuli – Fragrant Lamb Rice, Nasi Kebuli, tasteful Indonesian rice recipe, NASI KEBULI/ BIRYANI RICE WITH FRIED CHICKEN
Rice kebuli
Kebuli rice dishes - rice is the food kebuli nuanced middle east. Rice is composed of rice that have been spiced savory flavor due in advance. then, there is also a matter therein raisins and goat meat are cooked together with rice. Rice recipe is widely presented and offered several restaurant-restaurant that is always selling typical Indian food. Characteristic of flavors that exist in this kebuli rice dishes are savory flavor that is so, because it is cooked with coconut milk and a wide variety of other materials.

Read also: Roasted salted rice recipe

Kebuli rice already has a good flavor and delicious, so if you serve or eat do not have to add in the rice side dishes. Because in this rice is already contained raisins and goat meat that has been smeared with herbs that fits perfectly. Of course, the taste of rice is very suitable for people of Indonesia.

1 kg rice
1/2 kg meat goat bones still young
3 tablespoons Fried Onions
3 tablespoons raisins
2 tablespoons oil Samin
1 teaspoon salt
1 stick of cinnamon
4 seeds Cloves
1/2 nutmeg seeds
2 pieces of Cardamom
2 pieces Delicate Flower
2 stalks lemongrass
2 sheets Daun Salam/bay leaf
5 pieces of fragrant leaf
1500ml medium viscous Santan
oil to taste
Salt to taste

Materials subtle flavor
3 cloves Garlic
5 cloves Onion
1 teaspoon cumin
1 tablespoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon Sweet Fennel
4cm Turmeric
2cm Ginger

How to make rice kebuli

  1. Saute the ingredients and their subtle cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, delicate flower, lemongrass, cardamom, bay leaves, lime leaves and salt until fragrant and ripe.
  2. Put the ingredients mutton and goat meat cook until it changes color, and enter the rice.
  3. Sauteed along with the spices until fragrant and put raisins and coconut milk. Then, reduce the heat and cook until becoming karonan.
  4. Turn off the heat, then lift karonan and steam for about 45 minutes. Then, remove and add cumin oil, then stir until evenly and serve.

Such information about means or process this Kebuli Rice Cuisine. If you want to try a taste of this kebuli rice you can buy it at the restaurant or you can also create your own home with your family. Thanks and good luck ...
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