wedang ronde | Indonesian Original Recipes, Resep Wedang Ronde (Hot Dessert - Ginger Drink With, Indonesian Traditional Food and Drink: Wedang Ronde
Wedang ronde
Drinks Wedang Ronde - Of course, for the people of Indonesia are already familiar with the beverage named wedang the round. Wedang this round is a kind of traditional beverage from Java, besides wedang dawet or Jamu. Wedang in terms of the Java language is a drink, while the round is a special batter consisting of various mixtures of ingredients such as rice flour with brown sugar which formed round. And inside there are beans that have been mashed. Maybe some of you've never tried the taste of wedang the round.

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Wedang this round is very nutritious and healthy for the body. If you consume wedang this one you will get a lot of great benefits for health. And those who have never tried the taste of the wedang, you can make it yourself at home. The ingredients are not many, can be found anywhere and does not cost very much. Okay, please follow the steps below.

materials Ronde
100 gr Flour Ketan
100 ml Hot
Dyes Cakes, green or red
100gr Peanuts, toasted and crushed
75gr Sugar
750ml water to boil round
Salt to taste

materials sauce
300 ml water
3 pieces of fragrant leaf, remove the bones and leaves
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
8 slices of ginger, crushed
150gr brown sugar, finely sliced

How to make a round wedang

  1. Fill in the round; peanuts mixed with sugar, stir until smooth and set aside.
  2. Round; glutinous rice flour mixed with hot water, knead until dough is smooth.
  3. Divide the dough rounds into 3 parts, one part was given a red dye, the other was given green dye and the third let alone white.
  4. Take a pinch of the dough and let the contents, then close the back and a rounded shape. Do it until the mixture is completely depleted.
  5. Afterwards, boil the water and enter the circle of dough until soft and until you see the floats. Lift and enter it into the sugar solution that does not stick together.
  6. Sauce; cook brown sugar with water, lemon grass, lime leaves and ginger to a boil. Then, lift.
  7. Presentation; put round white, red and green also into a serving bowl. Flush with the sauce.

Thus the process of Drinks Wedang information Ronde you can make yourself at home, and make sure if you are going to make it yourself, you must first prepare some of the ingredients that will be needed. Thank you very much, good luck ...
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