Kue Apem an Indonesian traditional steam cake, made from, Resep Kue Apem Gula Merah ( Brown Sugar Cake, Apem Steamed Cake Recipes
Apem Cake Recipe
Apem Brown Sugar Cake - Cake apem is a kind of traditional pastry snacks from the market favored by various groups, ranging from children, adults to the elderly. The cake has a distinctive flavor will taste the sweetness and also has a very soft texture and also so soft and chewy. You need to know, this cake there are two variants apem cake with sugar and one which we will discuss apem cake with brown sugar.

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Actually, both these variants cake equally delicious and would be very fitting if served when you are the arrival of a special guest and apem here as our snack cakes. Can also be served with your family home with coffee or hot tea. This cake snack snack cake is actually a family. For those who are interested, please follow the steps below.

250 gr Rice Flour
250 grams of brown sugar
450ml Coconut Milk
Tapioca Flour 60gr
1 tablespoon instant yeast
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Powder
1 sheet Pandan leaves, wash and make a knot

How to make Apem Brown Sugar Cake

  1. Boil together coconut milk and pandan leaves to boil out the fragrance, while continuing to stir.
  2. After boiling, let stand a minute coconut milk until cold.
  3. Combine ingredients rice flour, tapioca flour and brown sugar which is combed smooth and instant yeast, stir until evenly distributed.
  4. Pour the coconut milk stew into the flour mixture slowly, stirring, stirring until evenly mixed and let stand for 45 minutes.
  5. Pour the batter into a mold that has been smeared with vegetable oil.
  6. Steamed dough until completely cooked and the dough becomes soft.
  7. Lift and remove the cake apem of the container mold.
  8. Furthermore, ready to serve the cake apem brown sugar.

That's about the process of making of the Red Sugar Cake Apem. For those who have never tasted the taste of this cake so tasty, sweet and chewy, try sometimes you make your own and feel the joy of Indonesia's traditional snacks. Thank you very much...
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