Pepes Ikan Mas (Spiced Gold Fish) Natural Food from, Naniura (Batak Fish Ceviche) - Will Try Recipe | Indonesian, Our recipe of the week is from East Timor
Pepes Grill Goldfish
Pepes grilled carp - Many variants of the traditional recipes that are owned by Indonesia beloved. Yes one about Pepes. Pepes is one of the traditional Indonesian cuisine that has been since the time of our ancestors was, and even now increasingly popular saja.Namun that I will present in this article is steamed carp typical North Sulawesi. Pepes typical North Sulawesi, there are two variants namely spiced grilled carp and carp pepes seasoning slices.

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But despite the different variants of appearance and taste, but nonetheless both were equally tasty and lezat.Bagi you who like to fish and want to create a variant of different dishes than before, please try to learn to cook steamed grilled fish typical of the city of North Sulawesi. Note the steps and materials must be prepared.

1/2 kg Goldfish
2 tablespoons water Orange Lemon
1 1/2 ounce of basil leaves, wash
1 teaspoon salt
Banana leaves to taste

Materials subtle flavor
1 teaspoon Sugar
3 pieces of tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon salt
5cm Turmeric
5cm Ginger
6 stalks lemongrass, white part and crushed
6 rod Leek, coarsely chopped
10 pieces of red chili sauce
10cm Lengkuas
10 cloves of Garlic
30 items Onions
1/2 kg Hot Pepper
30 sheets of orange leaves, remove the leaves bones

How to Make Pepes Ikan Mas Bakar

  1. Prepare all the ingredients.
  2. Then, clean the carp, cut and remove the entrails. Then rinse with water until clean.
  3. Coat the entire body of the fish with lemon juice and salt to taste it, and let stand a few minutes.
  4. Next, place the fish on a banana leaf, then coat with the spices until evenly distributed.
  5. Add basil, and fold to form an envelope and then embed both ends by using the control stick.
  6. Steamed fish wrapped into a hot steamer for less than 8 minutes, it essentially until cooked.
  7. Lift and grilled fish parcel on a fire until it changes color to brown.
  8. Serve grilled steamed carp with your family while still warm.

For the percentage of prescriptions Pepes grilled carp The measuring four servings. You can serve it at lunch time at the break. Small family meal together and make your family be happy. Enjoy and thanks ...
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