green banana ice ( es pisang ijo ) | Indonesian Original, I Love. I Cook. I Bake.: Green Banana Roll Ice Dessert, Samoan Green Banana Recipe -
Recipe Ice Green Bananas
Green Banana Ice drinks - In the summer as in Indonesia and surrounding is very fit to eat cold drinks. However, drinking ice water just feels less steady. We recommend that you create a cool beverage creations with ingredients that correspond you like, for example, with the addition of fruit or other. Cold drink green bananas I've prepared here could be the alternative to prescription cold drinks in the summer.

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This green bananas cold drinks taste very sweet, tasty and delicious. In addition, many of the benefits you will get by consuming this drink, because bananas have some good vitamin for the body. And one of them is vitamin C, of course, everyone knows the function of vitamin C is not. The materials that will be used is quite simple, such as rice flour, salt, water, water-to-eat leaves, green dye and others. In addition, the price is very friendly once with your pants pocket.

100 gr Rice Flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
150ml water
50ml Water Leaves Suji
1 drop Color Green
3 pieces Banana King (Banana old)
Red syrup
Shaved ice

Ingredients Sauce
350 ml coconut milk
25 gr Flour
40gr Sugar
1 sheet Pandan Leaves
1/8 teaspoon salt

How to make iced drinks green bananas

  1. Sauce; Combine all sauce ingredients and mix well. Boil over low heat while stir until boiling and thickened. Then, remove and set aside.
  2. 20gr Combine ingredients rice flour, water, salt, water suji leaf and green dye. Then stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Boil, stirring, stirring until boiling, then remove from heat.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients rice flour and stir until smooth.
  5. Tipiskan dough and put bananas in the middle, then wrap the banana until all surface is covered.
  6. Steamed banana for approximately 20 minutes. Remove and set aside.
  7. Cut the bananas and arrange in a serving bowl. Then, add the sauce, red syrup and ice shavings on top.
  8. Serve while still cold.

Similarly, the presentation and the way of making Green Drinks Ice Bananas are typical Indonesia. You are curious about the taste of which is owned by a cold drink, please try to make your own home with the help of your family. Good luck and thanks ...
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