Soto Ayam Lamongan Recipe (Lamongan-Style Chicken, Recipes Soto Ayam Lamongan (Lamongan Chicken Soup, Chicken Soup Lamongan Style | Soto Lamongan
Soto Lamongan
Soto Lamongan - In the country of Indonesia there are various types of variants soto and with a sense of their own particularities. And one could even say this dish menu is one of the most food menu is very favored by the people of Indonesia that is soto. Soto can be found in various kinds of sellers, grocery store, restaurant and also the seller curb. Soto better again on serve with a bowl of warm rice and crackers.

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Soto had been many variants of unique and interesting. So, do not be surprised if this soup dish is one of the menu dishes Indonesian assets. In fact, not only the people of Indonesia are flatter this food, but strangers also have tried the typical taste of the soup. So, if you want to make yourself at home, then follow the rules that have been presented below.

1 whole chicken, cut into 2 parts
1 tablespoon Lime, squeezed the water
1 teaspoon salt
1 liter water
4 sheets of fragrant leaf
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
2 tablespoons of cooking oil, for frying

Materials subtle flavor
10 cloves of Garlic
5 item Tamarind, toasted
4cm Turmeric, burned first
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper powder

50 gr Soun, soaked with cold water and drain
8 items Chicken Eggs, boiled
2 sheets Kol, finely sliced

complementary offerings
  1. Sambal boiled; 3 large pieces of red chili, 10 pieces of red chili sauce, 2 cloves Garlic. Boil all ingredients and puree it and plus 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  2. A sprinkling of grain; Sliced scallions, shrimp crackers and fried onions

How to create Soto Lamongan

  1. Wash the chicken thoroughly, coat with lemon juice and salt. Let stand for 15 minutes. Then, grandchildren back to clean.
  2. Boil the chicken along with additional other materials such as lime leaves, ginger, lemongrass with small fires.
  3. Once cooked, then remove and drain. Then, suwir-shredded chicken (cut into small pieces).
  4. Strain the chicken broth.
  5. Heat oil and saute seasoning ingredients until smooth out the fragrance. Then, enter into the broth and simmer the broth back.
  6. Prepare a serving bowl, and fill it with shredded cabbage, glass noodles and shredded chicken (chicken into small pieces). Then, pour the sauce and sprinkle with chopped green onions and fried onions.
  7. Serve while warm and lengakpi with chili stew and crackers.

Thus the process of Soto Lamongan. If you're curious to make and it tastes good tasting, savory and delicious it. Please prepare materials that will be needed for the manufacture of the lamongan soto. Thank you, and good work ...
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