Recipes how to make pastries Jam Strawberries - welcome to come back with us at the Culinary Indonesia. Which website is always providing the latest recipes, prettiest and most unique that has never existed in the menu dish of your home. If you are interested to try the recipes that we have given here, then there is no harm in also you try it yourself at home.

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Well, about how to make a cake recipe that we present this time is very easy and simple. The manufacturing process also does not require a long time, it depends on your skill. It is for mothers who are still beginners just learning to cook pretty heavy, but if you're used to be able to master the recipe and preparation time.

Jam Filled Butter Cookies Recipe -, Butter and Jam Thumbprints Recipe : Food Network Kitchen, Thumbprint Strawberry Jam Cookies Recipe | Bob's Red Mill

  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 200 grams butter
  • 200 grams of margarine
  • 150 grams of refined sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 eggs (yolk download)
  • 30 grams of milk powder
  • Half a teaspoon of salt

ingredients Butter
  • 100 grams of strawberry jam
  • 3 eggs (yolk download)
  • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar

How to make

  1. First mix and stir powdered sugar, butter, margarine, egg yolks, and salt to taste. In a different container, combine the flour, cornstarch and powdered milk.
  2. Then sieve so smooth. After a smooth, mix the flour on the dough first, stir well. To make the dough to be milled and malleable, clod-clod dough by hand.
  3. Furthermore, dough rollers with approximately ½ inch thick, then print using cookie cutters. The form can be selected according to taste, such as flower shape, square, round, and others.
  4. Prepare a baking sheet that has been dioleh with margarine, then put the cookie dough that has been printed above the pan.
  5. Furthermore, the content of the dough using strawberry jam, if you make the cake is round. If the flower-shaped cake, simply add the jam over the cake.
  6. After all the dough runs out, put the pan into the oven and bake at a temperature of approximately 160 degrees Celsius.
  7. Wait for 20 to 25 minutes until cooked cake. Pastries maturation fitting is brownish yellow. If the cake is ripe, then remove from oven then cool.

Thus the recipe how to make strawberry jam cookies that this can be achieved from only visit once here and you had been able to see how to make and what materials will be used to make the cake above. Thank you very much and congratulations to try ...
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