Tamarind vegetable soup
Recipes How to Make Vegetable Asem - Vegetable tamarind is the kind of food that is fairly typical Javanese known Indonesian society. Tamarind vegetable is usually referred to as vegetable nodes or vegetable broth clear because that does not have a color. Tamarind vegetable is very suitable to serve as a supplement in your daily dishes, in addition to taste good, sour vegetable is also very healthy.

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Another advantage in vegetable tamarind ie manufacturing process is fairly easy, and the materials used are also very easy to find in some traditional markets. Tamarind vegetable belonging to the type of cuisine that is cheap and healthy for the body. How to make vegetable tamarind anyone can do. Please refer to the steps of making and materials needed.

1 bunch of long beans, cut into short measuring 3cm
Peanuts 150gr
2 sweet corn fruit, cut up some parts
Squash 2 pieces
Galangal size of 3cm
Water 700ml
Brown sugar 40gr
Javanese tamarind 1 tablespoon

Now you to make subtle spice flavors complement tamarind vegetable.
Ground spices
3 pieces of red chili
5 grains of garlic (cloves)
Shallots 9 points
Clandenut 5 pieces
Salt to taste
Condiment to taste

How to Make Vegetable Recipes Asem

  1. Prepare the pan, then enter the water and boil until the water boils.
  2. Once the water is boiling, add all the spices which have previously been crushed.
  3. Then, enter the sweet corn and peanuts.
  4. Next, enter the squash and ginger, wait for 4 minutes.
  5. Finally, add brown sugar and tamarind java, wait for 5 minutes or until all the ingredients are cooked.
  6. Remove and serve sour vegetable.

Such was Recipes How to Make Vegetable Asem the original Java. For those who want to try to make and taste the distinctive taste, please follow the steps specified above them. Thank you very much...
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