Cake recipe how to make brown sugar contents Awug Awug - welcome to come back with us at the Culinary Indonesia. Which website is always providing the latest recipes, prettiest and most unique that has never existed in the menu dish of your home. If you are interested to try the recipes that we have given here, then there is no harm in also you try it yourself at home.

Read also: Baking Recipes colenak

Well, about how to make a cake recipe that we present this time is very easy and simple. The manufacturing process also does not require a long time, it depends on your skill. It is for mothers who are still beginners just learning to cook pretty heavy, but if you're used to be able to master the recipe and preparation time.

Resep Makanan, Tamarind vegetable soup ~ Resep Makanan, Cakes Awug ~ Resep Makanan

  • Rice flour (steamed parboiled) number of 1.5 kg
  • Many fine combed brown sugar 500 grams
  • Shredded coconut 1 item number
  • The amount of salt water 500 ml
  • 2 pieces of pandan leaves many
  • many fine salt 2 teaspoons

How to make

  1. Prepare the furniture that will be enabled For steaming materials because awug awug traditional cake is made steamed. The furniture is a long pot or also known together with the name seeng & bamboo woven leather form a cone (Aseupan).
  2. Turn on the stove and heat seeng. After That put Aseupan on the lips seeng field by pouring some water into the mouth that has been closed Aseupan seeng it. let the boiling water in the seeng.
  3. Meanwhile awug materials such as rice flour and grated coconut (½ of the dose) is inserted into the seeng Aseupan earlier. First flush of rice flour and grated coconut water along with salt to taste. Stir until well blended, moisture and forming small clumps. The next place the leaves on the edge Aseupan sector.
  4. Then comb smooth brown sugar mixture and mix on awug already existing in the steamer (generally towards the middle of the field awug). Furthermore cap with creating a new layer of flour, remaining fixed until Aseupan filled. Close seeng and wait until awug mature.
  5. While waiting awug finished steaming, prepare a container with pallet lift awug first banana leaf steamed cooked and pour the container along a banana leaf mats.

Thus the recipe how to make cakes Awug Awug the brown sugar contents of this can be obtained from only visit once here and you had been able to see how to make and what materials will be used to make the cake above. Thank you very much and congratulations to try ...
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