cassava chips balado ( keripik balado ) | Indonesian, KRIPIK BALADO FROM PADANG (INDONESIA, Recipes And How to Make Cassava chips Balado
Balado Chips Recipe
Menu Recipe Potato Chips Balado - The type of food that smells of chips is already famous for its spicy taste so great. Many most people are satisfied with the taste of the food that is owned by the balado potato chips, but there are also some people who do not like to eat food is because the chips balado spicy flavor that is so extraordinary.

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In addition to taste good and crispy, chips balado food is reasonably proven to increase hunger to someone. Possible magnitude due spicy flavor that makes the man so hungry all the time. But, for those who do not like the taste of spicy, you can change the taste of salty, sweet or other. Her advice mending make up your own menu of food chips such balado home with your family.

500 grams of potatoes were still fresh
1 teaspoon of fine
1 tablespoon Water Asam Jawa
1 tablespoon water Kapur Sirih
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 pieces Kaffir Lime Leaves, washed or cleaned
3cm galangal, crushed
3 pieces Daun Salam, clean
Enough water
Right amount of oil

Materials subtle flavor
2 Hot Pepper
4 cloves garlic
7 cloves Onion
15 pieces of green pepper chili

How to Make Potato Chips Balado

  1. Peel the potato ingredients to clean and wash with clean water. Then, splits the potatoes into 2 parts, then slice thinly.
  2. Soak the sliced potatoes into 2 liters of water that has been mixed with the use of water whiting. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain the potatoes to dry, heat the oil and fry until really hot. Then, fried potatoes and after the potatoes are cooked then remove and drain.
  4. Next, enter the subtle seasoning and stir-fry until fragrant smell out.
  5. Put the ingredients lime leaves, bay leaves and galangal while stir until wilted. Then, add seasoning salt, tamarind water and sugar until cooked.
  6. Put the potatoes that had been fried into your seasoning being sauteed, while stir until evenly and mature.
  7. After that, prepare and serve potato chips Balado.

Did you know, this is a kind of potato chips suitable food menu while you gather with family or friends in the house. Well, so try to make Menu Recipe Potato Chips Balado to your family and your home. Thanks, and good luck ...
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