Recipes How to make Spinach Steamed Shrimp - If your child including the child difficult to stop eating vegetables, of course you have to be creative themselves to create a menu dish featuring vegetables in a unique way and also fun so that your children are interested to want to try it , Culinary Indonesia has prepared the dish is Steamed Shrimp Spinach.

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Spinach is one of the types of vegetables that are rich in content and protein. Surely spinach is very beneficial to human health, especially that eat them. Spinach can you make any preparations for example such as spinach recipes, recipe sauteed spinach and others. Then the materials are also easily available in the market. So, if you dare to try?

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  • 1 bunch of green-leafed spinach, then boiled briefly siangi
  • 350 grams of minced shrimp
  • 50 grams Flour Versatile Royco Seasoning
  • 1 egg, beaten off
  • 150 grams of carrots, cut into small cubes
  • 2 leeks, thinly sliced
  • 50 grams of corn, cut the base and then boiled briefly
  • Taste tomato sauce to taste

How to cook

  1. Mix the minced shrimp with Versatile Royco Seasoning Flour, eggs, and carrots. Mix well.
  2. Place the spinach on top of plastic sheets, set lined lengthwise.
  3. Brush the top of the spinach with shrimp mixture until blended. Do this up to two times.
  4. Place the corn on top of chopped shrimp spread to half the base of young corn dough flat on shrimp.
  5. Roll the spinach and then were pressed up neatly.
  6. Steamed spinach steamer filled with shrimp in the pan for about 20 minutes until cooked. Lift.
  7. Dish ready to be served with a tomato sauce to taste if desired.

Similarly, information about Recipe to make the Steamed Shrimp Spinach. If you want to cook vegetables, spinach and make use of processed spinach dish like the above. Thank you very much...
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