Recipe how to make bread mantau - Congratulations been back in Indonesia Culinary website, which is where the website is always present recipes and food typical of Indonesia and even some recipes or typical food from other countries. Here mothers should not have cooking skills, you simply follow the steps described below.

Read also: Recipes flower Tofu

Recipes that will be served once quite tempting your appetite. This cuisine suits you serve your home at the dinner table and eat together family. How to create recipes that are presented this time is very easy, you can try to follow the following steps below.

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  • 2 1/2 teaspoons instant yeast
  • 300 grams all-purpose flour
  • 150 grams of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

How to cook

  1. The first step, Prepare a bowl, then mix the warm water along with yeast and sugar. Then let stand for approximately 5 minutes. After that mix the flour little by sedikit.Campur the dough until smooth.
  2. The second step, cover the bowl, and let stand the dough for about 1 hour or until the dough looks to be two times larger. After that the puncture in the middle of the dough, until the air in the batter out.
  3. Next, take the dough. Then move onto the cutting board and sprinkle with flour to prevent sticking. Then roll lengthwise with a thickness of approximately 2 cm, after it was cut into pieces and steamed for approximately 15-20 minutes or until cooked seen. After mantau bread cooked, let stand in the steamer mantou about 5 minutes before opening the lid steamer (try to up the water attached to the steamer lid does not fall into the mantou bread ketka you open the lid of the steamer).

This information mantau recipe how to make the bread. With the presentation of this recipe ascertained mothers and included you will be very happy and most likely the recipe above can be put in the list of your daily diet. Thank you very much...
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