Tofu how to make flower recipe - Congratulations been back in Indonesia Culinary website, which is where the website is always present recipes and food typical of Indonesia and even some recipes or typical food from other countries. Here mothers should not have cooking skills, you simply follow the steps described below.

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Recipes that will be served once quite tempting your appetite. This cuisine suits you serve your home at the dinner table and eat together family. How to create recipes that are presented this time is very easy, you can try to follow the following steps below.

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  • 1 packet of jelly white
  • 5 cups of soy milk white original
  • ¼ kg Brown sugar (melted)
  • Enough water
  • 5 segment ginger (minced)
  • Salt to taste

How to cook

  1. The first step, mix the soy milk along with gelatin, then add a little salt. Then stir until smooth and wait until you see the boil. After that, pour the batter onto a baking sheet that has previously been moistened with lukewarm water, then leave to cool and freeze.
  2. Furthermore, Making curd sauce: Mix brown sugar along with ginger that has been pounded into the water, then boiled until boiling, then lift, then strain.
  3. Lastly, Presentation: Take curd with a spoon and then put into a bowl, then pour the sauce curd using the previously made earlier. After that, Kembang know you made ready to be served.

This information Flower recipe how to make tofu. With the presentation of this recipe ascertained mothers and included you will be very happy and most likely the recipe above can be put in the list of your daily diet. Thank you very much...
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