Recipe how to make my cake - welcome to come back at the website Culinary Indonesia, which the website is always present recipes and food typical of Indonesia and even some recipes or typical food from other countries. Here mothers should not have cooking skills, you simply follow the steps described below.

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Recipes that will be served once quite tempting your appetite. This cuisine suits you serve your home at the dinner table and eat together family. How to create recipes that are presented this time is very easy, you can try to follow the following steps below.

Cake Recipes | MyRecipes, Recipes | My Cake School, 6 rules for baking the perfect cake - Chatelaine

  • 300 grams of glutinous rice flour
  • 200 grams of boiled potatoes, mashed
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar
  • 300 ml warm milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Food coloring to taste

Material contents
  • 150 grams of green beans peeled
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 pandan leaf, conclude

How to Make the skin

  1. Mix glutinous rice flour, potato, powdered sugar, vanilla, salt and sugar into one. Pour the warm milk and oil and diuleni while stirring until well blended. Divide the dough into pieces give the dye according to taste.

How to Make the contents

  1. Steamed green beans until cooked peeled for 1 hour. Puree.
  2. Combine green beans, sugar and milk.
  3. Cook and give pandan leaf, vanilla, and salt, stirring, stirring until cooked and dull. Remove and let cool.
  4. Form the dough into small dots, set aside.
  5. Take the dough skin, then let the contents of a round shape. Print into my cake mold that has been sprinkled with a little flour.
  6. Prepare banana leaves that had been smeared with a little oil. Remove the cake from the mold.
  7. Steamed in a steamer pan for 10 minutes until cooked turning occasionally pot lid is opened so that the cake is not widened so motif prints are not visible.

It is thus my recipe how to bake it. With the presentation of this recipe ascertained mothers and included you will be very happy and most likely the recipe above can be put in the list of your daily diet. Thank you very much...
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