Mayo Cheese recipe how to make a Ring - cake recipe this one is perfect for a meal or snack in the morning also at night. By making these snack cakes ensured children, husband and your family will love. Culinary Indonesia will always present a delicious cake recipes here specially for visitors of the faithful who come and here.

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Regarding how to make it very easy and simple, you can make a cake recipe above mentioned only briefly, did not take a long time. It's just that the manufacturing process is quite long which is divided into five processes. Here's more.

Cheese Ring Recipe -, Cheddar-Pecan Cheese Ring with Strawberry Preserves, Cheese Ring with Strawberry Preserves Recipe

Ingredients A
  • 8 chicken egg white grains
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoon

Ingredients B
  • Blue Bland Cake and Cookie 100g
  • cream cheese 150 gr
  • 150 ml of liquid milk

Ingredients C
  • chicken egg yolk 10 items
  • 2 whole chicken egg white

Ingredients D
  • Versatile 100 g wheat flour
  • cornstarch 50 gr

Topping ingredients
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • Grated cheddar cheese to taste

How to make

  1. Team B to melting material. Remove from heat. Put the ingredients C, mix with a whisk. Put the ingredients D, beat well.
  2. By using a mixer, beat until stiff material A. Add some of the material A into the batter, stirring folding with the aid of a spatula. Once the dough is well blended, put the remaining ingredients into a dough, folding stir until well blended.
  3. Pour batter into pan tulban some mini that has been smeared Blue Band Cake and Cookie.
  4. Bake in a preheated hot oven 180 ° C until cooked. Remove and let cool.
  5. Once the cake is cool, remove from pan. Garnish with mayonnaise and grated cheddar cheese to taste.

Similarly, information about how to create Mayo Cheese Recipe of the Ring. Hopefully you are interested in cake recipes presented in the above article and I hope you managed to make the perfect snack recipe. Thank you very much...
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