Recipe how to make Nastar Dates Nuts - cake recipe that will be referenced in this article will be quite arouse your appetite. Especially for the mother-housewife who likes to work in the kitchen, it would be nice if you all try to make the cake recipe. Guaranteed, your family and loved.

Read also: Galette Nastar Beans Recipe

Do not wait too long if you're still in the kitchen, try to start from now you gather ingredients to make the cake on this. Please read more below and make sure nothing is missed.

Download Resep Kue Nastar, Anja's Food 4 Thought: Green Beans with Dates and Walnuts, Aneka Resep Vegan Vegetarian

Ingredients A
  • Blue Bland Cake and Cookies 220 gr
  • refined sugar 130 g
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Ingredients B
  • egg yolks 2 eggs
  • 1 chicken egg white

Ingredients C
  • milk powder 50 gr
  • Versatile 290 grams of wheat flour

Ingredients D
  • Pineapple jam to taste
  • Cashew nuts in moderation

Ingredients E (caramel)
  • refined sugar 250 gr
  • water 1 teaspoon
  • sweetened condensed milk 150 g

How to make

  1. A Whisk ingredients until smooth. Put the ingredients B, beat well.
  2. Put the ingredients C, mix well. Store in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. Flatten the dough to 0.5 cm. Flatten pineapple jam on it. Roll the dough. Cut 5 cm.
  4. Arrange on a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine. Bake in a hot oven preheated to 150 ° C until cooked. Remove and let cool.
  5. Caramel: heat the sugar and water until terkaramelisasi. Pour sweetened condensed milk, stir well. Lift.
  6. Pour the caramel onto cooled cookies. Sprinkle with cashews.

Thus the reference recipe how to make the Nastar Dates Nuts. For mothers who like to eat cake, it would be suitable if it really wanted to try it. Thanks banya and good luck ...
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