Recipe how to make Kabana Choco - welcome to come back with us at the Culinary Indonesia. Which website is always providing the latest recipes, prettiest and most unique that has never existed in the menu dish of your home. If you are interested to try the recipes that we have given here, then there is no harm in also you try it yourself at home.

Read also: Baking Recipes Nastaple

Well, about how to make a cake recipe that we present this time is very easy and simple. The manufacturing process also does not require a long time, it depends on your skill. It is for mothers who are still beginners just learning to cook pretty heavy, but if you're used to be able to master the recipe and preparation time.

Recipe MashUp Kastagel and Banana Chocvolate, Kabana, Kabana Choco Kastengel + Banana Chocolate Pie, Recipe: Koko Kabana chocolate dessert - Constance Hotels

Dough materials Kastengel
  • Blue Band Cake & Cookie 125 gr
  • Egg yolks 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • Wheat flour, sifted 150 gr
  • Edam cheese, grated 150 gr
  • Cheddar cheese, grated 100 gr
  • Egg yolks, whisk, to spread 1 item

Dough ingredients vanilla ganache
  • Heavy Cream 100 gr
  • White Chocolate, chopped 200 gr

Materials banana chocolate
  • banana, thinly sliced ​​2 pieces
  • milk chocolate, melted 100 g
  • cheddar cheese for topping 50 gr

How to make

  1. Kastengel batter: Beat Blue Band Cake & Cookie until smooth. Add the egg yolk, beat until well blended.
  2. Add the flour and baking powder and stir well. Then enter the cornstarch and grated Edam cheese. Mix well.
  3. Flatten the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Cut a round with the help of a cookie cutter.
  4. Arrange on a baking sheet that bersemir Blue Band Cake & Cookie. Apply the egg yolk.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180⁰C for ± 20 minutes until the dough is golden brown. Chill.
  6. How to Make Vanilla Ganache: Boil the heavy cream and pour into a bowl of white chocolate.
  7. Mix well, cool.
  8. Banana Chocolate: Dip the bananas into melted milk chocolate.
  9. Allow to freeze. Set aside.
  10. Kabana Choco: Spray vanilla ganache on top kastangel.
  11. Put one piece Banana Chocolate on it. Add a sprinkling of cheese.
  12. Store in refrigerator before serving.

Thus the recipe how to make the Choco Kabana this can be obtained from only visit once here and you had been able to see how to make and what materials will be used to make the cake above. Thank you very much and congratulations to try ...
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