Recipes how to make Christmas Cake Tart - cake recipe that will be presented this time in this article by Culinary Indonesia is the cake is very tasty, sweet and tender meat cake. This cake is perfect served during major holidays such as Christmas. Snack cakes are very popular in Indonesia, but there are still many who have not been able how to make the cake.

Read also: Ball Choco Cookies Recipes

How to make a cake recipe is very easy and simple, you can make it yourself at home by following the steps that will be determined by our team here as the materials of manufacture should be complete, do not get left behind the material because it could reduce the value of the cake itself.

Christmas Cake & Pudding Recipes - Christmas Desserts, Christmas Cakes & Pudding Recipes collection, Sweet Christmas recipes | Life and style | The Guardian

materials Tart
  • Blue Bland Cake and Cookies 200 gr
  • Versatile 360 ​​gr flour
  • Water 120 ml
  • Refined sugar 40 gr
  • Instant mashed potato powder 40 gr

material Sus
  • Blue Bland Cake and Cookies 225 gr
  • Water 500 ml
  • Sugar 2 teaspoons
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Versatile 375 gr flour
  • 10 chicken eggs grain

Stuffing materials (stir well)
  • Vla ready to eat 600 grams
  • Heavy cream, whipped stiff 125 gr
  • Grated orange peel 2 teaspoons lemon

Ingredients caramel (cook until it becomes caramel)
  • 250 gr granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons water

How to make

  1. Tart: In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients with a fork until sandy. Pour water, stir until smooth.
  2. Flatten the dough. Place the pie on a baking sheet (18 cm). Puncture-prick with a fork. Bake until cooked in a hot oven preheated to 180 ° C. Lift.
  3. Sus: Boil Blue Band Cake and Cookie, water, salt, and sugar. Enter the flour and stir well. Cook for 5 minutes. Put the mixture into the mixer, beat until the steam exhausted. Add eggs, beat well.
  4. Pour the batter into a plastic triangle. Spray round with a diameter of 3 cm. Repeat until exhausted. Bake until cooked in a hot oven at temperatures of 200 ° C. Remove and let cool. Once cool, fill with stuffing and surface dip into caramel.
  5. Completion: tart fill with stuffing. Garnish with sus until it resembles a cone.

Similarly, information about Christmas Cake recipe how to make these tarts. Hopefully you are interested and hopefully you make a snack cake recipe above have as a snack menu at home. Thank you very much...
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