Recipe how to make Katberry Cheese - Cakes this one might be your alternative choice in presenting a snack food to a dish at home alone and there are guests who come to visit your home. Dish recipe snack cakes can you refer a new snack at home. Save this recipe into a special recipe menu listing your home.

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Culinary Indonesia deliberately serving food recipe is for you who like to cook cakes home-cooking. Regarding the manufacturing process easier. How to make this cake you can do well as long as you follow the steps below.

Katberry Cheese | Blue Band Indonesia, Katberry Cheese | Blue Band Indonesia | Blueband Mash Up, Chocolate Cheesecake Recipes, Chocolate Desserts

Dough materials katetong
  • Blue Band Cake & Cookie 500 gr
  • 375 grams of refined sugar
  • Egg whites 150 gr
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Versatile 450 gr flour
  • Cheddar cheese, grated 50 gr
  • Baking powder 8 g

Blueberry dough ingredients (stir well)
  • Blueberry jam ready to eat 2 tablespoons

Blueberry dough ingredients (stir well)
  • 6 tablespoons batter Katetong

How to make

  1. Whisk Blue Band Cake & Cookie, sugar and egg yolks until smooth. Enter the egg whites, beat well.
  2. Add the flour, cheese, and baking powder, beat well.
  3. Set aside the dough to make dough blueberry. Put it in the plastic triangle and holes in the ends.
  4. Add the remaining dough into plstik another triangle, then holes in the ends.
  5. Katetong over the mold that has been smeared Blue Band Cake & Cookie, spray the dough and garnish katetong dough topped with blueberries.
  6. Bake in a hot oven preheated to 180 ° C until cooked. Remove and let cool.
  7. Blueberry jam can be replaced with others such as strawberry jam or orange.

With the presentation of Katberry Cheese recipe how to make this such, certain mothers who visit here will be very pleased and proud to have the latest cake recipes to their present home. Thank you very much and congratulations to try ...
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