Recipe how to make Tea Marble Cake - It looks like you're getting bored with the menu snack cakes were mediocre. Here you will be served a variety of delicious cake recipes from Culinary Indonesia especially for the faithful visitors. Yes, this tasty snack cake recipe has a sweet taste, the meat pie is soft and suitable for served with a cup of coffee or warm milk.

Read also: Dates Cookies Recipe

For the manufacturing process easy and simple. You can certainly make this snack cake with sempuran as long as it provided that you follow the rules that will be described below in detail. You are interested? Try once made.

Chocolate marble cake | BBC Good Food, Marbled Tea Cake Recipe, Marble Tea Cake - Tea Time - YouTube

  • Blue Bland Cake and Cookies 300 gr
  • ready-made puff pastry 300 gr
  • 270 g granulated sugar
  • chicken eggs 6 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Versatile 300 gr flour
  • chocolate powder 25 gr
  • baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • citrus orange, grated skin alone (to taste) 1 piece

How to make

  1. Beat until smooth Blue Band Cake & Cookie and sugar. Add the eggs one by one while shaken flat.
  2. Enter the sifted dry ingredients, then add the oil and orange peel. Stir well.
  3. Pour into a baking dish measuring 40 cm that has spread with margarine. Cover the surface with puff pastry. Bake in a preheated hot oven 160 ° C until cooked. Lift.

With so reviews recipe how to make Tea Marble Cake above can be useful for mothers who stay home and that includes you too. Hopefully after you read this article cake recipe above can be willing to share with your friends and your nearest neighbor. Thank you very much...
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