Trays Cake recipe how to make green - welcome to come back with us at the Culinary Indonesia. Which website is always providing the latest recipes, prettiest and most unique that has never existed in the menu dish of your home. If you are interested to try the recipes that we have given here, then there is no harm in also you try it yourself at home.

Read also: Apem Baking Recipes Steamed

Well, about how to make a cake recipe that we present this time is very easy and simple. The manufacturing process also does not require a long time, it depends on your skill. It is for mothers who are still beginners just learning to cook pretty heavy, but if you're used to be able to master the recipe and preparation time.

Five Traditional Kuih recipes from The Girls - Recipes, Yin's homemade 盈盈巧手: Kuih Talam (Coconut Tray Cake), Kuih Talam (coconut Tray Cake) Recipe

Green materials
  • Protein flour being 200 gr
  • 200 gr granulated sugar
  • Starch 60 gr
  • Grated coconut that has been made coconut milk 197 gr
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Vanilla 1/2 sachet
  • Pandan leaves already dibelender with 1-2 leaves
  • Dyes hjau young and old taste

White material
  • Rice flour 60 gr
  • Starch 68 gr
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • Grated coconut is used as coconut milk 500 gr

How to make

  1. First we will create a green dough. Combine flour, salt, starch and sugar in a container and mix well. Also add the vanilla to the batter.
  2. Heat the coconut milk, mix results from pandanus leaves are already in a blender then add green dye also taste.
  3. Pour the coconut milk that has been added to the dye into green flour dough ingredients and stir until blended. ¾ Last pour into the mold tray and steam for 10 minutes.
  4. While waiting for the green dough cooked heat coconut milk to white materials to warm, then pour the milk on white material flour and stir until blended. Leave half of the coconut milk white material and reheat until hotter than ever and pour into the white batter and stir.
  5. After the green dough is cooked pour the white mixture onto it and steam for 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes remove the cake and serve it according to your taste and your own creations.

Thus Cake recipe how to make this the green Trays can be obtained from only visit once here and you had been able to see how to make and what materials will be used to make the cake above. Thank you very much and congratulations to try ...
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