Candy Pop recipe how to make Snow - Previous team Culinary Indonesia've ever present snow pop candy cake recipe here. And this time also will give back pop candy dish recipes snow but somewhat different decoration. Candy Pop snow is crescent-shaped and sprinkle with sugar sprinkled colorful. Definitely will look beautiful and attractive.

Read also: Lemon Pop Candy Recipes

You as a mother certainly do not want your child to snack or snack outside the home, is not it! If so, it's good to try this recipe for a cake that you present to your children to feel at home at home always. How to make it easy, you just follow the rules below.

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The main ingredient
  • Blue Band Cake and Cookies 200 gr
  • Refined sugar 70g
  • Wheat flour 200 gr
  • Cornstarch 50 gr
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • Edam cheese (grated) 75 gr
  • Cheddar cheese (grated) 50 gr
  • Egg yolks 2 eggs
  • Walnuts (chopped) 50 g

decoration materials
  • White chocolate bar
  • Sprinkle colored sugar

How to make

  1. Whisk Blue Band Cake and Cookies and powdered sugar until white and fluffy.
  2. Mix the flour, cornstarch and baking powder, sieve and set aside.
  3. Add cheese and egg yolk mixture into the Blue Band Cake and Cookie, beat until evenly distributed.
  4. Enter the flour mixture and walnuts and stir briefly.
  5. Keep the dough in the refrigerator for +/- 30 minutes.
  6. Then grind the dough thickness 6 mm and printed using molds crescent.
  7. Place on a baking sheet that has been smeared Blue Band Cake and Cookie and lined with baking paper.
  8. Bake in oven for +/- 25 minutes with a temperature of 175-180 ° C. Chill.
  9. DECORATION: Cut small white chocolate, place in a bowl. Melt the chocolate in a way in-team.
  10. Dip the cakes one by one into the white chocolate, place on a baking sheet that has been lined with baking paper clean.
  11. When half frozen white chocolate, sugar sprinkle iridescent flakes on top and let stand until chocolate frozen.

With so reference recipe how to make Candy Pop Snow that we have presented above can bermanfaa for mothers who have children at home in order to feel at home in his house. Thank you very much and good luck ...
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