Bolu caramel recipe how to make the ant nest - For this recipe will be shared by the Culinary Indonesia is a cookie recipe. The cake is one type of food that is quite popular in the world, the food is this cake many variations, especially in Indonesia alone there are cookie recipes pinch, apem cakes, cookies and other tales.

Read also: Baking Recipes Cenil, Chewy and sweet

Well, the food cake recipe that we will discuss is Bolu caramel that looks like an anthill. How to make it very easy and not long manufacturing process. You are interested? Please just try it yourself at home.

Kue Sarang Semut – Caramel “Ants Nest” Cake – Daily Cooking, Ant's Nest Cake - Jules Food, Ants' nest cake recipe : SBS Food

material A
  • 1 cup of star fruit
  • granulated sugar 250 ml water
  • 100 gr margarine

Ingredients B
  • 2 sachset SKM
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 eggs

Ingredients C
  • 1 cup flour starfruit
  • 2 tablespoons tapioca flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

How to make

  1. Roasted sugar (ingredient A) to melt so the caramel without stirring, enter the cooking water to a boil until the sugar has nothing left anymore. Then turn off the stove and add the butter / margarine until dissolved. Furthermore, let stand until completely cool.
  2. Mix all ingredients and strain C.
  3. Whisk ingredients B with a spatula until dissolved.
  4. Put the ingredients A and C material alternately bit by bit, then stirring constantly, until the dough is no lumps of flour again.
  5. Strain mixture, put a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine and sprinkled with flour. Then bake the dough about 50 minutes on medium heat.

Similarly, information about Bolu caramel recipe how to make the ant nest. If you include mothers who like to cook eating food such as food cake, of course, fits perfectly with the food recipes cake on this one. Thank you very much...
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