Recipe how to make cakes Cenil - For mothers who like the cake, whether it's dry or wet cake cake. Here we are from Indonesia Culinary team has prepared a special recipe delicious cake for mothers fan of cake. Cake recipe today you see the name is very unique, but the taste of this cake so tasty, sweet and delicious. Eat while still warm.

Read also: Bika Ambon egg cake recipes, sweet and tender

So, if you dare to try to make a cake recipe on this one? If so, let your emotion now follow the steps below and before that you gather all the ingredients to make this cake.

Cenil, Traditional Indonesian Sweet ~ It is sweet, slightly salty, I love these! - Cenil, Traditional Indonesian Sweet, Dessert Recipes -

  • 130 gr Flour Kanji
  • 120 gr Flour
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 11/4 teaspoons salt
  • 5 tablespoons Sugar
  • A white grated coconut 1/2 large coconuts
  • 150 grams of brown sugar
  • 6 pieces Pandan Leaves
  • 1 tablespoon rice flour
  • 11/2 cup of plain water

How to make

  1. Stir coconut with 1/4 teaspoon salt, plus the 2 Pandan leaves, steamed, approximately 15 minutes, let cool.
  2. Create their liquid sugar; Comb brown sugar, then boiled with 11/4 cups plain water, add 1/4 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons sugar, and 2 pieces of pandan leaves.
  3. Stir the flour with 1/4 cup of plain water, until evenly, enter it into the sugar water is boiling, stir again until slightly thickened and boiling, strain, chill.
  4. Create Cenil; Sift flour and starch separately.
  5. Stir in 1 cup of hot water with 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and colorings to taste.
  6. Enter a little bit into flour that is already in the sifter, stir until evenly, enter starch, stir well until he could in the gyre.
  7. Boil water, stranded cenil batter into the water, to float.
  8. Drain, toss well into the grated coconut.
  9. Flush with liquid sugar.
  10. Cenil was ready to eat.

Similarly, information about the recipe how to make cakes such Cenil. In conclusion, be creative in cooking is the responsibility of the housewife, with a gastronomy sure the family will be more harmonious. Thank you very much...
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