Recipe how to make cake Bika Ambon eggs - This time we will present a cake recipe comes from Ambon. Curious cake recipe that will be presented Culinary Indonesia? Well, this cake recipe is actually a bit like sweet martabak if viewed in terms of looks, but the taste might be a little bit different with a sense owned martabak cake.

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The name of this cake is a cake Bika. This cake is famous for it's unique and the meat is so tender cake. This is perfect snack food you eat when winter and accompanied with a glass of warm milk will be sempuran again. If you are interested dare to try it at home, why not!

Sweet: Kueh Bingka Ambon (Ambon Honeycomb Cake), Bika Ambon (Indonesian Yeast Cake) The first few weeks, Bika Ambon Recipe | Traditional cakes, sweets, dessert

  • 1 cup sago / glass starfruit
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1.5 cups of water and boiled with lime leaves, pandan, serei, turmeric and strain
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 packet of small kara
  • 1/2 wrap femipan
  • 2 teaspoon of liquid margarine / oil

How to make

  1. Mix corn, wheat, salt, femipan, kara, with boiled water that has cooled, stir lest bergerindil, wisk wear it, then let stand approximately 20min.
  2. Whisk sugar, eggs until dissolved, then pour diadonan flour, put vanilla, oil stir let stand approximately 1hr to look bubbly.
  3. Pour batter diloyang that has been oiled and sprinkled with a little flour, put in the oven previously heated oven at high temperature and leave the oven door open, approximately 10 minutes to look perforated, close the oven and bake again at a temperature of 180 degrees or less 30 minutes.
  4. Do not forget to try the skewer.

Similarly, information about the recipe how to bake the eggs Bika Ambon. For mothers at home, if you want to learn to make cake recipe this one must be considered with the right steps already described above in order not to fail. Thank you very much...
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