Candy Pop recipe how to make steamed Brownies - sure mothers and children are familiar with the name snack cake brownies. Yes, brownies are cakes made from flour with brown and sprinkled on top of many kinds of variations. And for this brownie recipe that will be distributed Culinary Indonesia is a candy pop brownies, cakes are guaranteed to make you addicted.

Read also: Pop Melted Candy Recipes

Brownies famous for the sweet taste and the meat is so tender cake. Brownie cake is a favorite of children, mothers and even teenagers also loved it. So, if you are interested in serving on this snack cake? Please see equipment manufacture.

How to Make Your Own Brownie Pops at Home, Rainbow-Sprinkled Brownie Pops recipe from Betty Crocker, Easy Brownie Cake Pop Recipe from Barbara Bakes

The main ingredient
  • brown rice (meses) 50 gr

Ingredients A
  • 10 chicken eggs grain
  • 350 gr granulated sugar
  • stabilizer (SP / TBM) 1 tablespoon

Ingredients B
  • Versatile 225 grams of wheat flour
  • chocolate powder 65 grams
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

Ingredients C
  • Blue Band Cake & Cookie 250 gr
  • 200 gr dark cooking chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon brown paste

decoration materials
  • Meises colorful taste

How to make

  1. A Whisk ingredients until fluffy. Put the ingredients and stir well. Put the ingredients C, mix well.
  2. Prepare the mold measures 24 x 24 x 8 cm. Polishing and cover with baking paper.
  3. Divide the dough into 2 parts, ½ fill the mixture into the mold, steamed until cooked and then sow with meises.
  4. Add the remaining dough, steamed back until cooked ± 30 minutes. Lift. Chill.
  5. DECORATION: Sprinkle colorful meises over brownies.

Thus Candy Pop recipe how to make the steamed brownies we refer solely to visitors of this website, and hopefully with this recipe can give a new color of the snack cakes home made your own. Thank you very much...
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