Recipe how to make Melted Candy Pop - Mothers who was at home again confusion want to make any snack cakes for children as well as your husband? Relax, do not worry because here Culinary Indonesia is ready to provide a good solution for your sense of confusion by providing a new pop candy cake recipe. It looks like this snack recipe snack foods suitable for children and your husband at home.

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You do not get confused about how to create pop candy is melted, because in this article is complete about the ingredients and how to make it. We believe that you and the other mothers also can do it yourself at home. Please try!

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The main ingredient
  • Wheat flour 500 gr
  • Cornstarch 480 g
  • Blue Band Cake and Cookies 900 gr
  • Refined sugar 230 gr
  • Vanilla essense 15 gr

decoration materials
  • chocolate bars
  • Star sprinkle colorful
  • * Use materials that are safe for consumption

How to make

  1. Whisk Blue Band Cake and Cookies and powdered sugar until white and fluffy. Stir in the flour and cornstarch and stir well.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet, spread with Blue Band Cake and Cookies and then line it with baking paper and spread the paper with the Blue Band.
  3. Put the mixture into a pastry bag fitted syringe triangle or star rose.
  4. Spray it on a baking sheet, bake in a hot oven temperature 175-180 ° C for ± 25 minutes, let cool.
  5. DECORATION: Melt the chocolate with the way the team.
  6. Dip one by one to cover half the surface of the cake.
  7. Garnish with a sprinkle star above the dipped chocolates.

With so reference recipe how to make this Melted Candy Pop is certainly very useful for you and also for other home mothers. Hopefully you also want to share the secret recipe snack cakes over to family, neighbors and your friends. Thank you very much...
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