Recipe how to make Cake Pop Candy - Looks like a snack cake recipes today that will Culinary Indonesia presented here is very pleasant and you are also likely to be more excited again, especially if you have a child at home. Yes, dish recipe this time is still about cake candy candy pop pop but this one is much more unique and interesting.

Read also: Melt Pop Candy  Recipes

By presenting this cake certainly love your child and even addicted to continue consuming these snack cakes. Regarding the manufacturing process is somewhat difficult, but if you're used makes it very easy. You start from now to try to make it. Please collect materials such as below;

How To Make The BEST Cake Pops, Melt Pop Candy Recipes Recipe how to create Pop Candy Melt, Candy Pop bean cake recipe Candy Pop recipe how to make

Basic material
  • vanilla sponge 300 gr
  • Vanilla syrup 50 ml

Frosting ingredients
  • Blue Band Cake and Cookie 100g
  • Refined sugar 200 gr

decoration materials
  • White chocolate bar
  • Various special dye brown
  • sugar trimis
  • Rainbow sprinkles

How to make

  1. Destroy vanilla cake to resemble a powder.
  2. Add syrup and a little vanilla frosting, squeeze and shape into small balls. If the dough is still not able dipulung, add frosting.
  3. Small pieces of white chocolate, place in a bowl. Melt the chocolate in a way in-team.
  4. Submersible lollipop sticks into the chocolate, then stick into the cake balls earlier. Store in the refrigerator for 24 hours +/-.
  5. After the freeze sticks and sticks to the cake balls, dip balls into the white chocolate cake or some other color. Sprinkle with sugar trimis, rainbow sprinkles, or ornamental according to taste.
  6. FROSTING: Mixed Blue Band Cake and Cookie and sugar, beat until white and fluffy.

Thus the recipe how to make Cake Pop Candy was confirmed as the best solution for serving snack kua your child at home. More harmonious home atmosphere because you always give the feel of a new snack at home. Thank you very much...
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