Recipe how to make Candy Pop Sponge Cake - Perhaps for mothers at home are interested in references Culinary Indonesia share this time, because this cake recipe that one can zoom tempting your tummy and even taste is very sweet and tender. So, it looks like a snack cake recipe is suitable to be served at home.

Read also: Peanut Pop Sponge Cake Recipe

Do not worry, we've prepared the way the process of making the cake. We believe that you can make with ease as long as follow the rules that have been written in this article. First you please prepare materials and equipment.

Blue Band Indonesia - Candy Pop Sponge Cake, How To Make Cake Pops — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn, Vanilla cake pops recipe - Lovefood

The main ingredient
  • Blue Band Cake and Cookie, melt 100 gr
  • Versatile 110 g wheat flour
  • 175 gr granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon emulsifier
  • chicken eggs 5 eggs

decoration materials
  • buttercream to taste
  • White chocolate taste

How to make

  1. Preheat steamer.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Enter emulsifier, lightly beaten.
  3. Put all the dry ingredients, beat well. Add Blue Band Cake and Cookie that has been melted, stirring with a spatula fold.
  4. Pour the batter into the pan (diameter 20 cm), and steam over medium heat for 40 minutes or until cooked. Remove, let cool
  5. Decor: after the cold cake, decorated with buttercream and sprinkle with brown dot.

Similarly, information about how to create a recipe Sponge Cake Pop Candy them. Please make this tasty snack cakes at home and serve food cake for your family especially to your children for those who have children. Thank you very much...
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