Recipe makes Soups Meatballs Oyong Fish - This time Culinary Indonesia will present a special menu that is healthy for the body of a squash soup fish balls. Oyong are vegetables that have a myriad of benefits and health benefits that you can cook with the addition of other ingredients, such as with fish balls or other supplemental materials. With the selection of materials and how to cook it right, this cuisine will feel more tasty and delicious.

Read also: Recipe Soups acid Macaroni Pineapple

Many types of cooking vegetables that could be used as a reference your dishes, such as prescription lodeh, tamarind vegetable recipes, chicken soup recipes and other vegetable recipes. If you are interested to make it pretty easy. Enough with the time of 35 minutes you can already serving 4 servings for a family at home.

Sup Tahu dan Oyong – Tofu and Chinese Okra Soup, Tumis Oyong dan Telur – Chinese Okra and Egg Stir Fry, Sup Tahu dan Oyong – Tofu and Chinese Okra Soup

  • 15 item selection fish balls
  • 3 pieces oyong the rough peeled, then cut askew
  • 1 piece out of water, then cut into medium-sized cubes
  • 3 stalks scallions small and rough cut
  • 2 sprigs cilantro selection
  • 1000 ml of water
  • 3 cloves of garlic that has been crushed
  • 3 thin slices ginger
  • 3 tablespoons of cooking oil for sauteing

  • 1 packet seasoning Royco Seasoning Chicken Flavor Multipurpose Pelezat
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

Supplementary materials:
  • 10 green chili round cut
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 clove garlic finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

How to cook

  1. Tumislah garlic and ginger until it turns yellow.
  2. Add garlic and ginger stir into boiling water.
  3. Put squash, meatballs, tofu, mushrooms, and all the condiments.
  4. Prior to his appointment, put scallions in advance.

Similarly, information about Recipe to make Soups Oyong The fish meatballs. Please try the above references vegetable recipes for a complementary dish dinner or your morning meal. Thank you very much...
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