Crab Abalone Sauce Recipes Can Be Tested, How to Make Delicious Crab Abalone Sauce Savoury, Recipes to Make Spicy Crab Abalone Sauce
Recipes How to Make Crab Abalone Sauce - Dishes made of processed crab, oyster sauce in this article we share with a team of Indonesian Culinary ready to give tips on how to make crab dishes saua super spicy oysters. Previous create this oyster sauce dishes you need to prepare the ingredients and tools for cooking. This dish its main ingredient according the article title above is the crab. This crab you should wash thoroughly before you made cooking process.

Read also: Dimsum Shrimp Recipe

Crab dishes oyster sauce recipe does not vary much with calamari, oyster sauce, oyster sauce shrimp recipe, and so forth. In addition to oyster sauce is made, there are a few recipes of processed crab is also not less interesting like crab curry recipes, recipes sweet and sour crab and others. Well, do not want length should immediately collect and prepare everything if you want to make this one dish.

  • Onion
  • Ginger
  • Bay leaf
  • Cayenne pepper

Ingredients (in a blender)
  • Garlic
  • Big red chillies
  • Cabe kriting
  • Tomato
  • Candlenut

How to Make Crab Abalone Sauce

  1. Stir-fry until fragrant ingredients 1.
  2. Add stir-fry ingredients 2.
  3. Add soy sauce, sugar and salt. Stir well.
  4. I give the tomato pieces again.
  5. Then enter the crabs that had been cleaned and the skin is solved with a pestle and mortar. Stir well.

Maybe with their Recipe How to Make Crab Abalone Sauce this could be the next reference to the mothers of the household who are confused want to make many dishes that her husband and child to be comfortable at home. Thank you very much...
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