Honey Fried Chicken Recipe, Honey Fried Chicken Recipe, Triple Dipped Fried Chicken Recipe
Recipes How to Make Grilled Chicken Honey - For recipes that will be discussed this time is a recipe that is currently popular throughout the world, especially in Indonesia are also increasingly popular dishes this one. Yes, chicken and processed meat in the mix with a little honey aroma will be rumbling stomach all day. For feels himself no doubt.

Read also: Grilled Chicken salad seasoning recipe

Honey fried chicken recipe is very easy to be made by anyone, even you can make at home easily. Provided that before you make have to prepare all the ingredients needed as the main ingredient chicken, honey, lemon and others. How to make processed chicken recipe is different from the recipe fried chicken, oyster sauce chicken recipes and sweet and sour fried chicken recipe. Well, soon you gather the ingredients if you want to try to cook these dishes.

  • 6 slices over chicken thigh (with bone)
  • Fruit Juice 1 lemon
  • 50 ml Honey
  • 2 cloves garlic finely

How to cook

  1. Jerky chicken with lime juice, and Royco.
  2. Heat a pan and cook the chicken, skin down, and cook until crispy, turning and cook until done (5 minutes).
  3. Mix honey and garlic finely into one.
  4. Apply on the entire surface of the chicken and serve.

Something like that is the reference dish for mothers on How to Make Grilled Chicken Recipes of the contest. Hopefully you also want to refer menus processed chicken recipes this one for a couple of dishes. Thank you very much...
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