Recipes How to Make Chicken Tomato aroma - Mari's time mothers prepare a special dish menu filled with enough vitamins, namely tomato chicken dishes aroma.Hidangan blend of tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals and coupled with a sense of super delicious chicken will become a favorite dish for your family. Here Culinary Team Indonesia has been preparing materials and the steps how to cook this recipe above.

Read also: Recipe Chicken Seasoning Green

Would you cook cuisine is different with a spicy tomato sauce recipe or also other tomato recipes. How to cook chicken tomatoes this scent takes at least about 1 hour, 30 minutes to 30 minutes of preparation time and other cooking time. So, if you are interested to make yourself at home, below we have prepared material and also its ways.

Indian Tomato Chicken Recipe, Garlic Basil Chicken with Tomato Butter Sauce, Chicken with Tomatoes and Garlic

  • 1 kg of chicken dumped legs and head. If you use the domestic chicken, it helps if the chickens are briefly steamed and then drain and discard the water.
  • 1 onion thinly sliced ​​lengthwise
  • 4 cloves cloves
  • 3 red tomatoes grated
  • 3 potatoes were peeled and diced
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 1 packet Royco All-in-One
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 2 tablespoons red onion that has been fried for presentation

Softened seasoning:
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 8 pieces of curly red pepper or to taste
  • Salt to taste

How to cook

  1. First, use margarine saute ground spices until fragrant then add cloves, nutmeg, sugar, and Royco, stir again until the aroma is stronger then enter onions and chicken.
  2. After the stir had been mixed well, add the tomatoes, water, and potatoes. Cook using low heat until the sauce is slightly dries.
  3. Once cooked, serve it on a serving plate and sprinkle with fried onions according to taste. This dish would be perfect when served with warm rice steaming.

After reading the article about How to Make Chicken Tomato Recipe aroma is whether you have prepared everything that will be needed? If so, please start to cook it, and you should know these foods could be 6 servings only. Thank you very much...
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