Recipe makes Bean Saute Minced Meat - Speaking of the menu of vegetables for the family, then you should certainly try to make recipes such as Sauteed Beans Meat Minced solution of Indonesian Culinary team. Alloy beans healthy and full of meat protein content will be a combination that fits for you to try at home.

Read also: Sauteed Spinach Tofu Corn Recipes

Indeed, a lot of stir-fry recipes in the world, especially in Indonesia, such as stir-fried bean recipes, chicken stir-fry recipes, recipe sauteed sauteed kale and saute-other. For the process of making this dish takes as long as 35 minutes, and this dish enough for 3 people. The rest you can add if you want to add the number of servings.

Green Beans and Ground Beef Stir Fry, Green Bean and Minced Beef Stir Fry, Chinese Recipe : Stir-fried String Bean with Minced Meat

  • 1 bunch green beans green beans, cut into long pieces
  • 200 gr ground beef
  • Royco Seasoning 1/2 teaspoon Pelezat Rasa Multipurpose Cow
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pieces of cayenne pepper, digeprak
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon white pepper powder
  • 100 ml lukewarm water
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch
  • ½ teaspoon sesame oil

How to cook

  1. Saute garlic and chilies until fragrant, then enter the ground beef and stir-fry until cooked as she added a little water.
  2. Enter the beans and stir well.
  3. After bunci slightly wilted, add the soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, and of course Royco Beef Flavor Seasoning Pelezat Multipurpose make it more delicious.
  4. Add water and sago and cook until thickened. Once thickened, add sesame oil, then mix well.
  5. Lift and serve warm with rice fluffier delights.

Similarly, information about Sauteed Beans Recipe How to make the Minced Meat. For those of you who have never tried to cook ingredients and combinations as above, you should try to make it and serve it at home. Thank you very much...
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