Recipe makes Tempura Chicken Fingers - Maybe servings of processed meat chicken dishes this one could be one of the favorite foods of your big family when gathered together at home. It tastes good, tasty, crunchy and very fun way to eat it is with a bit of chicken covered in tempura sauce will be more steady course on the tongue. Culinary Indonesia has been preparing the steps and ingredients to be prepared.

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This chicken tempura dish can you make as a reference menu dish or dishes in the evening special for your big family home. Cooking process only takes 35 minutes without having to wait too long. This dish is also quite large grain meal or snack after your main meal with the family. Processed snack foods are suitable and tasty chicken in to eat while still warm.

Tempura Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce and Ginger Stir-Fried, Tempura Chicken Fingers, Japanese Tempura Batter for Chicken Fingers Recipe

  • 300 gr chicken breast fillet, sliced ​​crosswise for thumb
  • Cooking oil
  • Lemon / lime slices

Tempura batter:
  • 1 egg
  • 150 ml of ice water
  • 100 gr flour
  • 3-4 dice ice cubes

Mustard yogurt sauce, mix well:
  1. 120 ml yogurt
  2. 1 teaspoon mustard
  3. ½ teaspoon salt

How to cook

  1. Knead the chicken and Royco BUMBU FRIED CHICKEN COMPLETE. Let stand 10-15 minutes to allow the flavors to infuse.
  2. Tempura batter: Place the eggs in a bowl, pour over ice water while stir. Pour the flour gradually while stir just until blended origin, so that the results of good fried. Pepper the ice so that the dough cool.
  3. Dip chicken one by one into the tempura batter and deep fry in hot oil until cooked and golden brown. Remove and drain.
  4. Doing so to complete. Serve tempura yogurt sauce mustard.

Similarly, information about Recipe to make the Tempura Chicken Fingers. For those of you who still doubt for fear of failing to cook this dish, do not worry you should just do it and learn to make a presentation on that you are not cooking that's it. Thank you very much...
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