How to create a recipe sauteed mango Young - Did you know that the young mango fruit can be cooked into dishes are so delicious, tasty, delicious dann? The content of vitamin C which resides in the young mango fruit is very good for health, so that the processed mango given by the young Indonesian Culinary presented is suitable for your home.

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Indeed, it was the season of mango-specific season, but if you wanted to make a dish above and does not have its main ingredient is mango. You can visit in the town of Indramayu, which is a city of Indramayu town Mangga the only one in Indonesia. Please select your heart's content what type of mango suitable to serve as your cooking dish.

Chicken & mango stir fry | BBC Good Food, Stir-Frying Mangoes | Grace Young, How to cut a mango in under 30 seconds | Grace Young

  • 2 mengkel young mango, peeled sliced ​​length
  • 1 packet Royco Seasoning Pelezat Rasa Multipurpose Cow
  • 250 gr peeled shrimp
  • 5 large red chilies sliced
  • 10 green chilies, sliced
  • 5 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 3 cm ginger young
  • Sugar and salt to taste
  • Oil for frying

How to cook

  1. Sauté red pepper, cayenne pepper, onion, garlic, lime leaves and ginger in oil until tender.
  2. Put mango and Royco Seasoning Pelezat Versatile Flavor Beef and let sit.
  3. Put the shrimp, salt, and sugar.
  4. Stir until the shrimp overcooked.
  5. Remove and serve while warm.

Similarly, information about Recipe to make the Young sauteed mango. If you include mothers who are just learning to cook, please note the above guidelines carefully so that no one in the cooking process. Thank you very much...
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