Recipe calamari dish was tasty and spicy sweet acid, Now Eat This!: 150 of America's Favorite Comfort Foods, Detailed Listing of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods - Rense
Recipes How to Make Sweet Acid Squid - For an article discussing the recipes and recipes for drinks this time is still about processed squid. Kenap should squid continue? Because the squid contain nutrients that are beneficial to health. In addition, the squid has a chewy texture of meat and crunchy when chewed in the mouth. Culinary Team Indonesia is now preparing a menu of sweet and sour calamari recipe to mothers who have never tasted or create your own in home. Have a menu of these dishes you can try.

 Read also: The calamari recipe Abalone Sauce Mixed Vegetables

Prescriptions processed squid this one is different with oyster sauce recipe squid or further recipe fried calamari. Cuisines squid this time classified berkuah cuisine for refined cuisine is given a squid sauce that tastes so delicious and perfect. The entree menu is suitable for all tongue. If you're curious, you should prepare materials equipment, you can get the ingredients from the market or your nearest supermarket.

  • 1/2 kg squid
  • 3 spring onions
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 2 red chilies without seeds
  • Ginger for the thumb
  • Bay leaf
  • citronella taste
  • Tamarind taste
  • Brown sugar to taste
  • Salt and seasonings
  • Lime for soaking
  • 3 sachet of chilli sauce
  • 1 sachet of ketchup
  • Soy sauce and water 400 ml
  • tomato taste

How to Make Sweet Acid Squid
  1. The calamari that was clean cut and marinate with lemon juice for 20 minutes.
  2. Chopped onion and chili.
  3. Sauteed onions and chillies until fragrant then enter the bay leaves and lemon grass when it scented water input and feedback tomato extra spice, sugar, tamarind, salt, sauce, soy sauce and seasonings.
  4. When you have mixed feedback squid slice wait until the water is low.
  5. Good luck hopefully yes it feels appropriate.

Hopefully, the information concerning Recipes How to Make Sweet Acid Squid can serve as a reference menu lunch dishes as well as your dinner with the family at home. Thank you very much and hopefully useful information ...
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