How to make Kale Recipes Asam Jawa - Who does not know the vegetable kale? Easily available and is also full of nutrition. But what about the cuisine menu Kale Asam Jawa? It feels exciting certainly more palatable to at meal together with your family at home. Try these recipes from the Culinary Indonesia now.

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Definitely all also know that kale is one of the vegetables are good for health, and kale is grown on the outskirts of lakes and rivers in Indonesia. If you are around the house kale, should take and make into the above dishes.

Sari Asam Jawa – Tamarind Juice – Daily Cooking Quest, Sayur asam jawa timur, The 37 Best Kale Recipes

  • 5 red onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 3 pieces of red pepper, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons tamarind water
  • 6 connective kale, siangi and wash
  • Royco Seasoning Pelezat Rasa Multipurpose Cow

How to cook

  1. Saute onion, garlic and red pepper.
  2. Enter kale.
  3. Pour tamarind water.
  4. Give Royco Seasoning Pelezat Versatile Flavor Beef, cook briefly

Similarly, information about Watercress Recipe How to make the Asam Jawa. If you want to present a special menu above, you need to prepare everything as a main ingredient, additional ingredients and seasonings taste. Thank you very much...
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