Recipes How to Make Chicken ala KC Soto - This time Culinary Indonesia will provide a dish of chicken soup is super delicious with spicy sauce and warm the body will certainly be greeted with joy by your great family. Each family usually has its own way of cooking chicken soup with the addition of distinctive flavor and taste of each.

Read also: Recipe Chicken Noodle Kroket

The process of making chicken soup recipe is different from the process of making yellow chicken soup recipe, chicken soup recipe lamongan and also other soup recipes. How to cook chicken soup recipe ala KC is quite easy and takes as long as 65 minutes, more details 20 minutes of preparation time and 45 more minutes to the cooking time. Indonesian cuisine is classified as a type of cuisine berkuah. For now you can read below;

Indonesian Chicken Soup With Noodles and Aromatics Recipe, Soto Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Noodle Soup) Recipe, Chicken noodle soup (soto ayam) recipe

  • Right amount of oil
  • 300 grams of meat chicken filet, sliced ​​2 cm size
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 1 packet Royco Seasoning Chicken Flavor Multipurpose Pelezat
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
  • 2 cm galangal, crushed
  • 1 piece of radish, sliced ​​1 cm
  • salt, pepper and sugar to taste

Materials to smear the chicken:
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ teaspoon curry powder
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch

How to cook

  1. Boil water with the bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal, salt, pepper, and sugar to a boil.
  2. Add seasoning Royco Seasoning Chicken Flavor Pelezat Versatile and mix well. Cook for 15 minutes until fragrant.
  3. While waiting for the soup cook, mix chicken with chicken lubricant material. Mix well.
  4. Heat oil and fry the chicken until golden and set aside.
  5. Once the broth fragrant, enter radish. Cook for 10 minutes until cooked turnip.
  6. Pour broth over chicken fried a few moments before serving.
  7. Serve chicken soup together with supplementary material.

Thus the discussion about Recipes How to Make Chicken ala KC Soto. Now if you are really sure you want to try to make yourself at home? Is fine as long as follow the steps already described above them. Thank you very much...
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