Recipes How to Make Fried Chicken Papaya Oseng Young - Want to make a healthy cuisine and rich in protein as well extra vitamins? Let's learn together to try to cook the recipes of processed chicken combined with green papaya fruit is from the Culinary Indonesia. This recipe uses the main ingredient of chicken and with the addition of other ingredients you can check below.

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How to make fried chicken recipe papaya stir this takes approximately 1 hour. Preparation time 30 minutes and cooking time 30 minutes. The number of servings that you will get quite a lot of that is 6 servings. Recipe fried chicken is different with oyster sauce recipe fried chicken, yellow rice recipe fried chicken and fried chicken recipe rice tutug oncom. For feels itself no less delicious with fried chicken dishes other. If you're still curious, please prepare the ingredients, among others;

Kitchen Mome: Stir-fry recipe young papaya, Indonesian Medan Food: Tumis Pepaya Muda, Gulai Pepaya Muda ( Young Papaya Curry )

  • 1 whole chicken cut into pieces according to taste
  • 1 packet Royco Seasoning Chicken Fry Complete
  • 3 cloves of grated ginger
  • 1 young papaya fruit is being withheld for lighters, knead with a little salt and then wash and drain
  • 1 plate leaves young weeded melinjo
  • 100 gr tempeh was cut by lighters
  • 300 ml water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp dried rebon washed
  • 1 cm galangal, crushed
  • condiment to taste

Seasonings are sliced:
  • 5 red onions
  • 5 pieces of red pepper sliced ​​thin menyerong
  • 2 green chilies thinly sliced ​​diagonally
  • 2 cloves of garlic

How to cook

  1. How to cook a chicken; Add the chicken into the water, enter Royco Seasoning Complete Fried Chicken, stir well and enter the ginger that has been shredded. Cook until the water is almost gone and the chicken is tender.
  2. Once the chicken is tender, fried chicken until lightly browned. Use a large fire to produce fried chicken crispy on the outside and remain soft inside.
  3. Once the chicken is cooked, serve fast the plate and set aside.
  4. How to cook stir young papaya; Saute seasoning slices, bay leaves, galangal, rebon, and shrimp paste until fragrant and ripe.
  5. After the stir fry cooked through, enter tempeh, papaya, and sufficient water until done.
  6. After tempeh and papaya cooked, add melinjo leaves that have been sauteed.
  7. Oseng young papaya was ready to be served. Serve hot with rice and fried chicken that had been cooked earlier.

Such information about How to Make Fried Chicken Recipes Oseng the Young papaya. Hopefully by seeing or reading the above article can attract attention and also attract your appetite. Thank you very much...
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