Read also: Fried Chicken Fried Chili recipe
How to cook fried chicken in this recipe is fairly easy to do by anyone, from the materials used can be found easily and also how to manufacture refined cuisine fried chicken only to take less than 1 hour of 20 minutes to prepare and 30 minutes to cook. Processed chicken recipe is the same as yellow rice recipe fried chicken, fried chicken recipe flour and others. All right, please try at home.
- 250 gr meat tetelan
- 250 grams of bamboo shoots that have been cooked and thinly sliced
- 10 green chilies cut askew
- 4 tablespoons oil for sauteing
- 3 board petai peeled and halved
- 3 bay leaves
- 2 carrots were halved and then cut into oblique
- 2 lt of coconut milk from a coconut
- 2 slices galangal
- 2 stalks kecombrang taken inside and cut flowers
- 2 tomatoes cut to taste
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1 liter of water to boil
- 1 slice of papaya sliced like bamboo shoots wide
- 1 packet of beef broth Royco
Softened seasoning:
- 10 pieces of red pepper curls
- 10 red onions
- 6 eggs that are deep fried pecan
- 5 cloves garlic
- 3 tsp salt
How to cook
- How to cook a chicken; Add the chicken and Royco Seasoning Complete Fried Chicken into the water, stir well and enter the ginger that has been shredded. Cook until the water is almost gone and the chicken is tender.
- Once the chicken is tender, fried chicken until lightly browned. Fried using a large fire to produce a crispy fried chicken.
- Once the chicken is cooked, serve fast the plate and set aside.
- How to cook; Tetelan meat boiled until tender.
- Saute all ingredients that have been mashed, add ginger and regards until fragrant.
- After the stir fragrant, put into stew and cook until boiling tetelan.
- After boiling, pour coconut milk, bamboo shoots, peppers, papaya, Royco beef broth, and sugar and cook until shoots pervasive and add the tomatoes, kecombrang, banana, carrot and cook until all the vegetables are cooked and the marinade is absorbed.
- Kecombrang godog vegetable seasonings are ready to be served. Serve with fried chicken that was created earlier.
Such information about the lessons Recipes How to Make Fried Chicken vegetable seasoning Godong the kecombrang. For the rest we leave it to you whether to try to make yourself at home or vice versa. Thank you very much...